Earth Day
If you have the "Earth Day Flag" on MiniMonos, from Earth Day a couple of years ago, you can make an awesome MiniMonos Earth Day symbol appear on the ground! Here's how:
- Login To MiniMonos
- Check if you have the Earth Day Flag, if you don't you can not continue!
- Go to the Recycle Center
- Say "Happy Earth Day" and the symbol will appear!
In monkey fist, the monkeys stand on some "stone circles". There are a few ways to get these circles to show, OUT of Monkey Fist! Here they are:
- This one will work if you have your red armbands on MiniMonos from playing Monkey Fist!
- Login To MiniMonos
- Go to Castle Beach
- Say "Sneaky Snake", "Double Dragon", "Trusty Tiger" and "Crazy Crane"
- One Stone will appear for each one you say, if you say them all then "fire torches" will appear at the back!
- This one will work for any monkey
- Login To MiniMonos
- Go to Long Beach
- Say "Bow To Your Sensei", and a Stone will appear on the right side of the room.
- Keep saying "Bow To Your Sensei" and more Stones will appear, making a trail towards the left side of the room. It will keep going until it gets to the very-left side! Woot!
Monkey Fist Poses
There is also a way to do Monkey Fist POSES, out of the game! To do it, follow these instructions!
- Login to MiniMonos
- Put on your Monkey Fist Armbands (You need to be gold for this!)
- Say any one of the poses ("Sneaky Snake", "Double Dragon", "Trusty Tiger" or "Crazy Crane and you will do that pose on MiniMonos! (It will only show on your screen)
Hidden Pies
This is the first pie ever found on MiniMonos Island. It was inspired by Cade77 and MonkeyRock (The two owners of this blog), and a video they made! Here is how to find it!
- Login To MiniMonos
- Go to Traderz
- Say "Handkerchiefs" and a pie will appear.
- You can now say "Put The Lime In The Coconut" for it to rain pie in the room!
- Login To MiniMonos
- Go to Hana Cove
- Say "Pierates". A pie 'monster' will appear on only your screen on MiniMonos!
- You can now say "Put The Lime In The Coconut" for it to rain pie in the room!
- Go to Mutts Gallery.
- Say "Pretty Pictures".
- Say "Tasty Pie" three times and three pies will appear.
- You can now say "Put The Lime In The Coconut" for it to rain pie in the room!
Collectable Stuff
The Lime was found a while back by Hi on MiniMonos! Here is how you can get it!
- Login To MiniMonos
- Go to Butterfly Meadow
- Say "Lime Time" and a pie and some limes will appear
- Now go up to the limes, and it will ask you if you want any.
- Click on yes! You can get up to 5 limes in your "stuff" Woot!
- You can now say "Put The Lime In The Coconut" for it to rain pie in the room!
- Login to MiniMonos
- Go to right of Long Beach
- Say "Put The Pie In The Coconut"
- Go up to the pie that has appeared, and it will ask you if you want a coconut!
- Click on yes! You can get a maximum of 5 coconuts!
- You can now say "Put The Lime In The Coconut" for it to rain pie in the room!
Other Pie Appearances
On Carlo's cash register: (Carlo's Color-Me Store)
On the Green Banana Card:
On the sign for Times Square in Castle Beach or the "Town Center" room:
The blackboard next to Einstein in his Robot-Making Room:
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