Here is this weeks Weekly Wonder by Bananatastic!
Hehe! I would love that power too, Zeno! It sounds awesome! Also, awesome question Zinky! You can answer her question by clicking here and leaving a comment on the post, and maybe YOUR idea will be featured! Woot!
It's Saturday and you know what that means... it's time for another Weekly Wonder!
Last week Alphamonkey asked about super powers and wanted to know if you could have any super power you wanted, what would it be? Zeno said, "If I could have any super power, I would have ultra thinking skills. I would be a human-calculator and can memorize any fact or language". That's pretty sweet Zeno!
This week we have a question from a MiniMonos artist, Zinky! She wants to know -- If you could have ANY hair style for your monkey, what would it be?
Leave a comment and let us know for your chance to be featured on the next Weekly Wonder!
Monkey on,
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