Halloween has BEGUN with some awesome new updates! Our proud and awesome sponser, Wohoo, made this post for us, because she rocks :D Woot! Here is her post:
Wohoo from MiniMonos Express wrote this awesome post about the new Halloween upates on MiniMonos!
Hi Monkeys,
Halloween is coming up, and that means the Minimonos staff are very busy, preparing Halloween updates for us!
New Costume: Franken Monkey! When you log in, you’ll see that a new costume has been revealed -- the Franken Monkey! The costume looks bananamazing!
WOOT! This costume is on sale for 15 shells, but be quick! It’ll be only for a limited time!
Shout out update! To write a shout out to other monkeys, you can now ‘shout out’ from a news stand! You can find one on your shout out tab in your journal (yellow), at Castle beach, or outside the ColorMe Shop & Traderz (at Town Center).
New shout out buttons: The top right button lets you see shout outs from Minimonos Staff! The middle one is shout outs from everymonkey, and the bottom right button is shout outs to you and from you. You can add a shout out by clicking on the blue button on the left!
New Pumpkin Carving Cards: At Castle Beach, you’ll see that the sign has changed to a much more spookier sign! It says Marco is still exploring, but where? Guess! That’s right, the Crystal Cave!
You'll find a pumpking carving table inside the Crystal cave. Walk over to it and you can make awesome pumpkin carving cards and send them to your friends! For every card you send to a person that you haven't sent a card to before, you’ll get a bronze ticket! Awesome!
What do you Monkeys think of these new updates? I love them!
Hehe! Awesome updates you've got there, Wohoo! I think these updates are pretty bananamazingly awesome :D What do you think, monkeys?
Did you buy the new costume? Will you be carving some pumpkins to show your friends?
Comment your opinion, monkeys!
Chat soon,
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