Tuesday, October 11, 2011

MiniMonos Weekly Wonder: Tastiest Pie

Hey Monkeys!
Bananatastic has posted this weeks Weekly Wonder, so here it is!

It's Saturday and you know what that means... it's time for another Weekly Wonder!
Last week Badgerfox asked, "What's your favorite pie flavor?". Zoo said, "I love cherry pie. It's the best kind of pie ever! The way they cook it, with the cherries and how they release their awesome flavors into the crust, the best red pie you could eat!". Sounds delicious Zoo...
This week Viper wants to know what was your favorite party or event on MiniMonos so far?
Leave a comment and let us know for your chance to be featured on the next Weekly Wonder!
Hehe! I love cherry pie too! What about you? What is your favorite pie? And what is your favorite party on MiniMonos? I must say, I loved the Beta Bananaza so much!
Best Bananas,

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