Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Monthly Masterpiece REMINDER!

Hey monkeys
Have any of you entered the Monthly Masterpiece yet? If you didn't here is a reminder of the rules and deadline!

Hope you're working hard on your artwork for the MiniMonos Monthly Masterpiece... you might just be the lucky monkey who wins 100 shells!
If you haven't started working on your masterpiece yet, you might want to consider getting started on it!
Objective:  Create a video, drawing, sculpture, painting, poem, story or anything else artistic to show us the coolest, spookiest, funniest, and funnest Halloween Adventure!
Deadline: All entries must be in by October 22, 2011!
More information: Click here!
Get creative and keep on working -- we're looking forward to see all of the cool Halloween adventures that you monkeys will be sending in!

Objective: Create a video, drawing, sculpture, painting, poem, story or anything else artistic to show us the coolest, spookiest, funniest, and funnest Halloween Adventure!
Deadline: All entries must be in by October 22, 2011!
More information: Click here!

Woah awesome! The winner will win 100 SHELLS! Cool! I may enter, with a video! Will you?

See you next time, Zeno

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